Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Foire artisanale de Baie d'Urfé / Harvest of crafts Baie d'Urfé

Article de Julie Mailhot

Foire artisanale de Baie d'Urfé
Une foire artisanale aura lieu les 17 et 18 octobre prochains au au 20599 Lakeshore. (voir la carte)
Il y aura plus de 30 artisans, dont quelques membres EtsyQ:
Julie Webb
Catherinette Rings
Nelly van See
Bouche Cousue
Katja Design
Julie Jongleuse

En espérant vous y voir en grand nombre!!
Harvest of crafts Baie d'Urfé
A harvest of crafts will take place on october 17th and 18th at 20599 Lakeshore (see the map)
There will be more than 30 crafters and some EtsyQ members:
Julie Webb
Catherinette Rings
Nelly van See
Bouche Cousue
Katja Design
Julie Jongleuse

Hoping to see you there!!


Julie Webb Photography said...

Yay, see you there! :)

Unknown said...

Looking forward to it!

Nelly said...

J'ai vraiment hate a demain, je suis aller voire aujourd'hui, c'est vraiment cool!

Adria said...

Well the show was a huge disappointment, but it was fantastic meeting some of you there. So what's next? There was talk of assembling a list along with ratings, we should get on that! :)


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